January 31, 2024 | 5 min read
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6 ways application performance can impact the success of your cloud strategy (and solutions to improve it!)

CIOs everywhere are probing and testing the right approach to maximize the value of their cloud journey. The majority of tech leaders expect to host at least half of their applications in the cloud by 2025. By 2030, the global earnings potential from cloud optimization is estimated to be over $1 trillion. The opportunities the cloud presents are huge, from leveraging next-generation applications to accessing new growth markets. But there is one essential factor that is foundational to an enterprise and its IT team’s ability to ensure that cloud-based IT investments realize their full potential value: application performance.  

Ultimately it is the user’s experience of the application performance that is critical to defining the success of your cloud strategy. It ensures that you get the full benefit of your investment in applications based in the cloud and users are able to access them in a way that maximizes their experience and productivity levels.

Achieving the agility and coverage you demand, such as for easier data sharing and collaborating across locations, means you need your traffic to go across the best performing network path, while reducing delays and packet loss.

In our latest whitepaper, we explored how application performance that's impacted by network congestion, latency and jitter can seriously impact your cloud strategy. Ultimately, without optimized application performance you may not realize the full capability and expectation of your cloud investment.   

But knowledge is power, so arming yourself with an understanding of the pitfalls of network performance on your cloud strategy will help you overcome them.

6 ways poor application performance can impact your cloud strategy

Unless you can ensure predictable and reliable performance your business is left open to several fundamental issues, including:

  1. 1. Inefficiency and imperfect experiences

High latency, congested network traffic and consequent data loss can increase the occurrence of application performance failures. This puts pressure on your IT teams as they work to resolve issues and complaints, so they have less time to focus on making IT services better.

  1. 2. Wasted resources and hindered transformation

When your application performance doesn’t meet expectations you won’t be able to generate the full ROI from expensive IT investments. This can reduce the appetite for further cloud transformation within the enterprise, slowing your ability to develop innovative, differentiated user and customer experiences.

  1. 3. A drag on productivity

Without robust connectivity in every region where your business operates, you could see inconsistencies in users’ ability to connect and collaborate. If employees cannot access the systems they need to work or are unable to rely on the availability of teams in other areas, they can’t deliver the best results or use their time in the most efficient way.

  1. 4. Slower response times

When application performance is limited this not only impacts day to day work, it makes it more difficult to respond to urgent business needs. Problems with latency mean employees cannot work as quickly or keep up when demands on IT services increase. This leads to poor customer experiences and service delays which can impact customer loyalty.

  1. 5. Difficulty with transactions

Slower applications and packet loss mean customer transactions may take longer. It also increases the likelihood that you will miss out on their business. In combination with the effect of lower productivity and business inefficiency, lost transactions lead to lower revenue in the moment. As well as future opportunities with that customer.

  1. 6. Lost revenue

Customers must be able to access your digital services to buy from you. Poor application performance can have a damaging impact on your revenue generation and business goals. To secure your profitability and the efficacy of future cloud investments, improving performance has to be a strategic priority.

How can you improve your applications’ performance?

To overcome the impact of poor or unpredictable application performance, you need a way to optimize the way that applications connect to employees and customers across Global Internet networks. The great strength of the Internet is its global coverage, but is also very fragmented. Finding a way to route your traffic across the best-performing path is the most effective way to ensure business success and continuity.

However, this requires a network connectivity solution that helps you connect to the best-performing network path where you need it. While simultaneously and continually reviewing and identifying the best-performing path. Expereo has designed our Enhanced Internet with these needs in mind.

Enhanced Internet resolves the core issues of app performance and proactively directs internet traffic along the best-possible network path in each location. By navigating around congestion and performance problems in real-time, performance problems can be eliminated at the network level. This secures the value of your cloud applications and investments.

For full detail on our Enhanced Internet solution and how it could work for you, read our new whitepaper.

How can you confirm application performance is improving with Enhanced Internet? With our management platform, expereoOne…

Whether your business is using Enhanced Internet yet or not, network visibility should be non-negotiable. It’s only when you can oversee everything that you can make the right strategic choices for your locations. That means visibility of:

  • Users and requirements.
  • Network orders.
  • Performance, support and more.

When you work with Expereo visibility is covered. You can use our dedicated management platform, expereoOne, to easily monitor and manage network performance. All your solutions, from Enhanced Internet and Global Internet to Fixed Wireless Access or SD-WAN are visible in one place, giving you complete control over your infrastructure and performance. We can work with you to advise on the best types of networks for your specific needs and provide detailed insights into how they perform and contribute to your strategy.

With a clearer view of your networks, you can make the right decisions for your business. See how expereoOne helps you build control and keep your business continuity and IT investments safe here.

Let’s connect and see how Expereo can take you faster to the future

Get in touch with our expert team today. We’ll help you design, build and manage the right connectivity solutions to drive better experiences and performance everywhere.


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Explore what’s impacting 650 technology leaders in our article.


A month of conversation: Enhanced Internet launch

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See the Enhanced Internet in action

find out how Enhanced Internet from Expereo uses AI in our video.

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